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Small Town, Global Vision: Integrating Creative Arts into Learning

The vision of Edify School, Kurnool, is to foster an environment that nurtures the holistic development of children, ensuring they grow up to be progressive thinkers with a global outlook. Our mission is to provide an inquiry-based curriculum inspired by the International Baccalaureate (IB), integrated with values and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) set by the United Nations. We aim to cultivate disciplined, confident, and creative individuals who are not afraid to question and explore.

As the principal of Edify School in Kurnool, I have witnessed the challenges and triumphs of bringing a modern, inquiry-based curriculum to a traditionally-minded town. Kurnool is a small town with a traditional mindset, presenting a unique challenge for us at Edify School. Convincing parents about our 21st-century curriculum, inspired by the International Baccalaureate (IB) model, was a significant hurdle. We follow an inquiry-based curriculum, which emphasizes student-centred learning, critical thinking, and real-world application of knowledge. However, it was essential to align this modern approach with the community's traditional values, particularly concerning discipline.

Our curriculum incorporates a robust activity-based approach, particularly for students up to grade 8. This methodology enhances traditional teaching by integrating engaging, hands-on activities that make learning more dynamic and interactive. Rather than relying solely on conventional lecture-based instruction, our curriculum emphasizes active participation through projects, experiments, and experiential learning opportunities. For example, students might investigate scientific concepts through practical experiments or immersive role-plays. This approach not only reinforces theoretical knowledge but also fosters critical thinking, creativity, and collaborative skills. By blending traditional academic content with interactive activities, we aim to create a more holistic learning experience that goes beyond textbook learning and encourages students to explore and apply their knowledge in meaningful ways.

Discipline through positive reinforcement

At Edify School, our commitment to fostering a nurturing and supportive learning environment is unwavering. We believe in creating a space where students can thrive without fear, allowing them to confidently ask questions, engage in meaningful conversations, and explore their curiosity without intimidation. This approach not only builds self-confidence but also contributes to a positive and inclusive learning atmosphere.

However, we recognize that discipline plays a crucial role in the holistic development of a child. It is essential to ensure that students maintain a positive outlook towards their studies and the school environment as a whole. To balance the nurturing of a supportive atmosphere with effective discipline, we have adopted a comprehensive approach.

One of the key strategies we have implemented is the use of Class Dojo, a behaviour management application popular in schools across the United Kingdom. Class Dojo serves as a powerful tool for promoting positive behaviour and reinforcing discipline. The system assigns points for positive actions and deducts points for negative behaviour, providing a clear and tangible way for students to understand and track their behaviour.

To incentivize and motivate students, we introduced a weekly reward system. Each week, the student with the highest number of Dojo points is recognized and rewarded with a small token, such as a pencil or an eraser. This system was initially implemented for primary students in 2022 and, due to its success, was later extended to middle school students as well. The results have been impressive, with significant improvements in student behaviour and engagement noted across all age groups.

By integrating Class Dojo into our discipline strategy, we have created a structured yet encouraging environment that helps students develop a positive attitude toward their behaviour and responsibilities. This approach aligns with our overarching goal of promoting both academic success and personal growth, ensuring that our students are well-prepared for their future endeavours while fostering a respectful and motivated school community.

Instilling social responsibility

Our curriculum is thoughtfully crafted to ensure that children excel not only in academics but also in extracurricular activities, while simultaneously fostering their kindness, empathy, and social responsibility. Our goal is to nurture students who are not merely successful individuals but also compassionate and socially aware global citizens.

To achieve this, we have integrated values education and the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) into our curriculum. This approach aims to instil a deep sense of social responsibility and awareness from an early age. We believe that education should transcend traditional classroom boundaries. Therefore, we emphasize experiential learning, encouraging students to explore, investigate, and engage with their environment actively.

One notable example of this approach is our "Joy of Giving Week," a project designed to deepen students' understanding of community service and global challenges. During this initiative, students engaged in a comprehensive learning experience about the impact of poverty and hunger on different communities. They organized a collection drive for an old age home, rallying donations of essential items and organizing a heartfelt program for the residents. This hands-on project not only reinforced their academic understanding of social issues but also fostered a profound sense of empathy and civic responsibility.

By participating in such initiatives, students gain practical insights into the significance of community involvement and the difference they can make in the lives of others. These experiences help them connect their learning to real-world applications, reinforcing the values of kindness, empathy, and social consciousness.

Theatre and drama: integrating creative arts 

Learning must be enjoyable, only then do children grasp concepts. So, we have integrated creative arts into our curriculum to reinforce learning. To reinforce the lesson on the life cycle of a butterfly, the teacher initially explained the concept and facilitated a group discussion. To deepen the students' understanding, a dance teacher was brought in to create a dance depicting the butterfly's life cycle. This creative integration of dance strengthened the students' grasp of the concept as it becomes a visual memory that will remain in the students’ minds.

Similarly, in a recent lesson on coordinate geometry, the Mathematics teacher took the students outside to apply their classroom learning tangibly. After working on coordinate problems indoors, the children rearranged themselves in the field to form a live graph, visually demonstrating their understanding of the x-axis, y-axis, and other geometric principles. These hands-on activities make learning memorable and engaging.

Theatre and drama play a significant role in our curriculum. We incorporate role plays, scriptwriting, and performances to enhance students' understanding of various concepts. For instance, when learning about Indian democracy, students develop scripts and perform role plays, integrating language arts and theatre skills. Our teachers also utilize theatre techniques to bring lessons to life, such as a teacher disguising herself as a vegetable hawker to teach kindergarteners about vegetables.

Beyond the curriculum, we are proud to be the first and only school in Kurnool to stage live musicals. In 2023, we presented "The Lion King," involving nearly all our students in various roles. This was followed by a production of "Oliver Twist" in 2024, and we are now preparing for "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs." These performances not only showcase our students' talents but also build their confidence and teamwork skills.

We also incorporate cinematic storytelling in our curriculum through storytelling sessions for kindergarteners and public speaking and literary clubs for older students. Our Toastmasters Club helps students refine their speech delivery and voice projection. Additionally, our theatre club offers opportunities for voice training and performance, enhancing students' communication skills.

SCIFF event: impact and experiences

The School Cinema International Film Festival (SCIFF) has proven to be a transformative addition to our school's cultural landscape. This event plays a pivotal role in expanding students' horizons by exposing them to a diverse range of cultures and ideologies from around the world. In a small town like Kurnool, where global perspectives are often limited, such exposure is invaluable. The festival introduces students to international films that broaden their understanding and appreciation of different cultures, fostering a sense of global citizenship and empathy.

By showcasing films from various countries, SCIFF encourages students to engage with and reflect on the universal themes and unique stories presented. This exposure not only enhances their cultural awareness but also promotes critical thinking and discussions about global issues.

Our vision is to establish SCIFF as a recurring event that becomes a staple in our school calendar. We plan to invite parents to join in, creating an inclusive and communal movie-watching experience. This participation fosters a stronger connection between the school and the local community, allowing families to engage in meaningful conversations about the films and their broader implications. Through these collective experiences, we aim to build a culture of openness and understanding, preparing our students to thrive in an interconnected world.

Measuring success and future prospects

Success is not merely a matter of winning or achieving specific goals, but rather the positive impact our initiatives make on our students and the community. Our focus is on the meaningful outcomes of our programs and the improvements they bring about.

For every event or program we conduct, such as the School Cinema International Film Festival or our annual celebrations, we place significant emphasis on reflection and evaluation. After each event, we thoroughly analyze its effectiveness, gathering feedback from students, teachers, and parents. This reflective process allows us to assess what worked well and identify areas for improvement.

Our commitment to continuous improvement is evident in how we integrate these reflections into our planning for future events. We strive to enhance each subsequent year by incorporating the insights and lessons learned from previous experiences. This iterative approach ensures that we build on our successes and address any challenges, ultimately refining our programs to better serve our students.

Quantitative measures of success, such as the growth in student enrollment, also play a role in our evaluation process. Since our inception, we have expanded from serving just a few students to engaging nearly 1,000 students in the last few years. This significant growth reflects the positive reception of our educational approach and the trust placed in us by the community.

Additionally, we are committed to addressing individual learning challenges through personalized support. For students facing difficulties, we develop tailored action plans, similar to Individualized Education Programs (IEPs), to ensure their academic progress. This individualized attention complements our broader efforts in event planning and curricular development, reinforcing our dedication to fostering a supportive and effective learning environment.

As we look to the future, our goal remains clear: to continue making a positive impact through thoughtful reflection, innovative programming, and a steadfast commitment to student growth and success.

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